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How can our team engage community partners who are reluctant to attend our meetings?

Welcome to the Help Desk for North Carolina adult protection multidisciplinary teams (MDTs). The purpose of the Help Desk is to create a space where all members of the adult protection community can access information and direct questions related to establishing and maintaining strong MDTs. We know that across the state MDTs are in various stages of development. Some counties have fully functioning MDTs. Some counties want to re-invigorate their efforts and some counties haven’t gotten off the ground yet with your team. The Help Desk is here for all of you – every community, and everyone who participates in the MDT.

We want you to contact us when you are facing challenges. You may want ideas about how to strengthen your team. Or perhaps you need coaching on taking your first steps in forming an MDT. Some of you may need help managing dynamics among your team members or maybe you need to access specific legal expertise in managing a current case. The Help Desk is here to support you in all of these situations. Simply reach out via email or phone to connect with us.

Below you will find a compilation of frequently asked questions we’ve received at the Help Desk, organized by subject matter.

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Thursday, February 2, 2023 - 9:26 am
Authored by


The reality is that few of us want to attend meetings we don’t find useful or rewarding somehow, and we all must budget how we spend our time.  An initial strategy is to ask people what practices would make the meeting worthwhile.  It could be your meetings are spent in ways that don’t meet the interests of a few (or many) of the group members.

One way to do this is to take time in a meeting to ask everyone to fill in the blank: "For me to feel these meetings are a good use of my time and beneficial to our community, we should ____________."

One example of competing interests for MDT meetings lies in specific vs. general information sharing. Perhaps programmatic updates should be shared in an online format rather than verbally in a meeting.  Some MDT members might only be motivated to contribute to problem-solving or other focused discussions that have a direct connection to systemic improvements.  

If someone in a particular role is disengaged from the MDT, one strategy is to talk directly with that person to learn what topics would be worth the investment of their time.  You might consider asking them to attend a meeting in which they share what their office needs to succeed in their role.

One advantage of a hybrid model of MDT operation is that interests in both general and case-specific discussions can be met in alternate meetings.