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Do we really have to create vision/mission/value statements?

Welcome to the Help Desk for North Carolina adult protection multidisciplinary teams (MDTs). The purpose of the Help Desk is to create a space where all members of the adult protection community can access information and direct questions related to establishing and maintaining strong MDTs. We know that across the state MDTs are in various stages of development. Some counties have fully functioning MDTs. Some counties want to re-invigorate their efforts and some counties haven’t gotten off the ground yet with your team. The Help Desk is here for all of you – every community, and everyone who participates in the MDT.

We want you to contact us when you are facing challenges. You may want ideas about how to strengthen your team. Or perhaps you need coaching on taking your first steps in forming an MDT. Some of you may need help managing dynamics among your team members or maybe you need to access specific legal expertise in managing a current case. The Help Desk is here to support you in all of these situations. Simply reach out via email or phone to connect with us.

Below you will find a compilation of frequently asked questions we’ve received at the Help Desk, organized by subject matter.

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Friday, June 23, 2023 - 10:03 am
Authored by


Do you have to?  No.  You can do whatever you want.  But when considering how many different directions your MDT might go in, you might gain clarity by doing so.  That focus will serve you well as you figure out where to focus your efforts.

Groups develop these statements so that they can: 

  • stay clear on their purpose,
  • define how they want to interact with each other and the community,
  • explain the MDT to new members,
  • communicate the MDTs purpose to others.

The Vision statement conveys the long-term, big-picture goal the MDT is working towards.  Other people or groups can share in and work towards that Vision, even if doing entirely separate work from the MDT.  The Vision describes the future the MDT strives to create.

The Mission statement describes what exactly this MDT does towards making the Vision a reality.  It helps to focus the MDTs attention and set priorities when faced with a broad range of options for action.  It also explains to others what actions this MDT plans to take.

Value statements describe the behaviors used to do the work and serve to guide daily interactions among MDT members and across organizational boundaries.   These values describe how the MDT does its work.  Team members can and should hold each other accountable for living up to these expectations, even when faced with a challenging situation. 

Remember that your vision, mission, and value statements can evolve over time.  It is a good idea to periodically assess how well – or whether - they are working for you.